NoRm is concept model. No Production model, only Prototype.

NoRm is only available at At Design Lab POP-UP store in Tokyo from 2th August to 31th August.

The other side of Zero series

Throughout the development of the Zero series, we have been thinking about what a normal yo-yo should be for us. Zero series follows the shape of the Duncan Butterfly, which is arguably the foundation of the modern yo-yo. Shape is rounded  that pays homage to the Anti-yo, which still has a devoted fan base more than a decade after its release. High walls, wasteful design, and weight distribution that is not too close to the outer edge, it has a unique and tasteful playability. On the other hand, the popular ordinary yo-yo in the modern era of 2023 is the exact opposite. It is a sophisticated, lean design with low edges, a lightened center section, and a weight distribution that is closer to the outer side. Exactly, these are the two sides of the same coin. In designing the Zero series, we felt that creating a popular, normal yo-yo would also define a normal yo-yo for us, and this was the impetus for the development of NoRm.

Unnormal,  Normal yoyo. Thinnest, but Thickest.

NoRm is a normal yo-yo based on the MoNo 54mm, the flagship model for At Design Lab, with a lowered edge, wider and adjusted to a simple weight distribution. The iconic spiked hubs and linear design have been eliminated for a simpler look. At first glance, it looks like an ordinary yo-yo. However, NoRm is not an ordinary yo-yo despite its appearance, in fact, it has a secret that makes it not ordinary at all. That is, NoRm is designed with the thinnest A6061 material except for the outer circumference, and all the weight is placed on the outer circumference. Major brands that design for mass production cannot possibly make NoRm with the thinnest A6061 material due to the longer manufacturing time and concerns about vibration. We were able to develop this unorthodox design as a design lab experiment, with the help of the factory's technically skilled engineers.

NoRm playability

NoRm is a mono-metal yo-yo that has a tenacious rotational force, while at the same time being easy to move and soft feeling, which belies its appearance. The weight distribution to the outer circumference produces tenacious rotational force, while the center of the yo-yo is most lightest, so it does not weigh too much and is easy to move around. The Smooth Ultimatte Coating gives the yo-yo an elegant playability.

The official release and the series are undecided, and about 10 units were made for the TOKYO POP-UP in August 2023. Please take this opportunity to pick up this unusual yo-yo and experience a new era of ordinary yo-yo.

Prototype spec

- Diameter: 54.0mm

- Width: 44 mm

- Weight: 66g

- Response: Original size compatible with CLYW/A-rt

- Coating: Smooth Ultimatte Coating